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Nothing really matters. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Nothing good lasts forever. Also nothing bad...

Life is full of suffering. But there is still potential for joy and fulfillment.

Attachment brings suffering. Sometimes it is worth to suffer.

Detachment brings peace. Sometimes peace gets boring.

I come to this world alone and leave it alone. It doesn’t mean I have to spend my time here alone.

I didn’t ask to be born. I still get to choose to live.

I don’t have free will. I still get to choose to live intentionally.

Life has no intrinsic meaning. I make my own.

Life is unfair. I don’t have to be.

The world isn’t turning around me. It just is.

Ambition and pleasure are all in vain. It means I’m free from their reins.

Nihilism is heavy. It is also liberating.

Nothing really matters.

And that’s OK.

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